Libri scolastici
Gl’immediati antenati del metodo dell’Ørberg sono i libri che furon prodotti dalla scuola del Rouse (per la quale si veda pagina 13 di
Nova via Latine doceo
), alcuni dei quali possono esser reperiti facilmente in formato digitale sulla rete. Ma anche altre opere possono essere utili all’insegnante che utilizza il metodo induttivo: le
Fabulae faciles
del Ritchie, ad esempio, posson costituire un materiale ulteriore di grande utilità da proporre, cogli opportuni accorgimenti, ai nostri alunni.
- Appleton, R. B.:
Fabulae virginibus puerisque aut narrandae aut recitandae
, G. Bell and Sons, London 1914.
- Appleton, R. B.:
Initium (A first Latin course on the direct method, to which is appended a book of exercises and some grammar questions)
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1926.
- Appleton, R. B. – Jones, W. H. S.:
Pons tironum
, G. Bell and Sons, London 1914.
- Appleton, R. B. – Jones, W. H. S.:
Puer Romanus
, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1913.
- Avellanus, A.: si veda Mogyoróssy, A.
- Bails, S.:
Psyches et Cupidinis fabula, ex Apulei Madaurensis libro, in usum scholarum narrata a Susanna Bails
(Bibliotheca vitae Latinae, series prima, 1), Aubanel, Avignon 1967.
- Balme, M. – Morwood, J.:
Oxford Latin course
, Oxford University Press, Oxford 19962 [in tre volumi più antologia].
- Cambridge School Classics Project:
Cambridge Latin Course
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 20034 [in cinque volumi più antologia, con copiosi materiali multimediali].
- Chickering, E. C.:
First Latin reader
, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York 1914.
- Chickering, E. C. – Hoadley, H.:
Beginner’s Latin by the direct method
, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York 1914.
- Collar, W. C.:
The gate to Caesar
, Ginn & Company, Boston 1891.
- Collar, W. C.:
Via Latina, an easy Latin reader
, Ginn & Company, Boston 1897.
- Collar, W. C. – Heatley, H. R. – Kingdon, H. N.: The new Gradatim, Ginn & Company, Boston 1895.
- Dale, F. R.:
Clari Romani. Aemilius Paulus
, John Murray, London 1911.
- Desessard, C.:
Il latino senza sforzo
, Assimil Italia, Torino 20112. [Disponibile anche accompagnato da registrazioni].
- D’Ooge, B. L.: Easy Latin for sight reading for secondary schools; selections from Ritchie’s Fabulae faciles, Lhomond’s Urbis Romae viri illustres, and Gellius’ Noctes Atticae, edited, with introduction, models for written lessons, idioms, and annotations, Ginn & Company, Boston 1897
- Edwards, G. M.:
The story of the kings of Rome. Adapted from Livy, with notes and vocabulary
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1903.
- Fay, M. J.: Carolus et Maria. Heath-Chicago Latin series, Heath and Company, Chicago 1933.
- Fiévet, C.: Manuel de latin audio-oral [in tre volumi], Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, Pau 1999.
- Godley, A. D.: The fables of Orbilius. Part I. Part II, Edward Arnold, London 1901.
- Hardy, H. J.:
A Latin reader, for the lower forms in school
, Macmillan and Co., London 1889.
- Jones, F. – Scott, E. H.:
A first Latin course
, Blackie and Son, London 1911.
- Jones, F.: Intermediate oral Latin reader, based on Cicero’s De senectute, with extracts from Martial and Horace, Blackie and Son, London 1915.
- Jones, W. H. S.:
First Latin book
, Macmillan and Co., London 1907.
- Jones, W. H. S. – Parker Smith, R.:
Excerpta brevia
, Blackie and Son, London 1906.
- Keene, C. H.:
Selections illustrative of Roman life, from the letters of Pliny, adapted for the use of beginners, with vocabulary and notes
, Macmillan and Co., London 1895.
- Keene, C. H.: Tales of the civil war, from Caesar’s Commentaries. Adapted for the use of beginners, with vocabulary, notes, and exercises, Macmillan and Co., London 1894.
- Marmorale, E. V.:
Petronio Arbitro – Una cena e una beffa
, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1965.
- Maxey, M.:
. Heath-Chicago Latin series, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1933.
- Maxey, M. – Fay, M. J.:
A new Latin primer
. Heath-Chicago Latin series, D. C. Heath and Company, Chicago 1933.
- Minkova, M. – Tunberg, T.: Reading Livy’s Rome. Selections from books I-VI of Livy’s Ab Urbe condita, Bolchazy and Carducci, Mundelein IL 2005.
- Mogyoróssy, A. (Avellanus):
Arena palaestrarum
, Philadelphiae 19002.
- Mogyoróssy, A. (Avellanus):
Nova sermonis Latini palaestra, pars prima
, 18962.
- Nutting, H. C.:
A first Latin reader
, American Book Company, London 1912.
- Otto, B.:
Tirocinium Caesarianum. Commentarius primus
, Verlag des Hauslehrers, Berlin-Lichterfelde 19292.
- Otto, B. – Hillner, H.:
Tirocinium Caesarianum. Liber alter, liber tertius
, Verlag von K. G. Th. Scheffer, Leipzig 1906.
- Pacitti, G.:
Phaedri fabulae in prosam orationem a Guarino Pacitti solutae
(Bibliotheca vitae Latinae, series prima, 2), Aubanel, Avignon 1967.
- Paine, W. L. – Mainwaring, C. L.:
Primus annus
, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1912.
- Paine, W. L. – Wye, T. E.:
Primus annus: vocabula explicata
, Oxford University Press, New York 1918.
- Paoli, U. E.:
Ciceronis filius: puerilis narratio ad domesticos Romanorum mores illustrandos, in usum scholarum redacta
, F. Le Monnier, Florentiae MCMLXIV6. [L’edizione francese (O.C.D.L., Paris 19642) e quella inglese (Longmans, London 1963) sono fornite anche di note e vocabolario, ma l’italiana n’è priva].
- Paoli, U. E.:
Varius libellus ad usum scholarum redactus, a Petro Bernardini lepidis imaginibus exornatus
, F. Le Monnier, Florentiae MCMLXI.
- Paoli, U. E. – Busch, W.: Fabellae pueriles (W. Busch, Bilderborgen), con note e vocabolario, F. Le Monnier, Firenze MCMLXIII3.
- Peckett, C. W. E. – Munday, A. R.:
Principia. A beginners’ Latin course
, Wilding and Son, Shrewsbury 1949.
- Peckett, C. W. E. – Munday, A. R.:
Pseudolus noster. A beginners’ Latin course. Part two
, Wilding and Son, Shrewsbury 1950.
- Reed, M.:
Julia: a Latin reading book
, The Macmillan Company, New York 1941.
- Reynolds, A. B.:
Latin reader: nature study and easy stories for sight reading during the first year in Latin
, D. C. Heath & Co., Boston 1918.
- Ritchie, F.:
Fabulae faciles, a first Latin reader, containing detached sentences and consecutive stories, with notes and a vocabulary
, Longmans, Green, and Co., London 1898. [Anche in formato elettronico].
- Rouse, W. H. D.:
Chanties in Greek and Latin, written for ancient traditional airs
, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1930. [Qui una trascrizione del testo delle canzoni latine; presso l’Association for Latin Teaching, la base musicale e la trascrizione d’alcune delle canzoni latine (miste ad altre di diversa fonte)].
- Rouse, W. H. D.:
Latin stories for reading or telling to wit: beasts, fools and wise men, the famous dinner-party of Trimalchio, Horace’s adventures on the Apulian hills, with an appendix of Greek and Latin proverbs
, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1935.
- Scottish Classics Group:
Ecce Romani
, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River 20094 [edizione statunitense: più adornata ma più costosa] / Oliver & Boyd, Harlow 19822 [edizione britannica: molto più economica].
- Sonnenschein, E. A.:
Ora maritima: a Latin story for beginners, with grammar and exercises
, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London 1908.
- Sonnenschein, E. A.: Pro patria: a Latin story for beginners, being a sequel to Ora maritima, with grammar and exercises, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London 1910.
- Strangeways, L. R.:
Lingua Latina. P. Ovidi Nasonis elegiaca
, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1915.
- Sweet, W. E. – Moore, J. B.:
Artes Latinae
, Bolchazy-Carducci, Wauconda 2001. [Corso in due livelli comprendente più volumi e risorse multimediali; qui dei materiali per i docenti].
Narrationes faciles de historia Romanorum
, compiled by John P. Piazza.
Narrationes faciles de mythologia Romana Graecaque
, compiled by John P. Piazza.
- Bardon et Gomez, L.:
Lectiones Graecae, sive manuductio Hispanae juventutis in linguam Graecam
, Madrid 1856.
- Beresford, R. A. A. – Douglas, R. N.:
A first Greek reader, with fifty-four illustrations
, Blackie and Son, London 1902.
- Blackie, J. S.:
Greek primer, colloquial and constructive
, Macmillan and Co., London 1891.
- Chambers, C. D.:
The Greek war of independence (1821-1827), being a Greek text for beginners, with notes, exercises, vocabularies and maps
, Swan Sonnenschein and Co., London 1906.
- Colson, F. H.:
Stories and legends: a first Greek reader with notes, vocabulary, and exercises
, Macmillan and Co., London 1908.
- Edwards, G. M.:
Salamis, in easy Attic Greek, with introduction, notes, and vocabulary
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1913.
- Fontoynont, V.: Commento al vocabolario greco, Bonacci, Roma 1957. [Ottimo testo, ancora in commercio].
- Guglielmi, J.-P.:
Il greco antico
, Assimil Italia, Torino 2006. [Disponibile anche accompagnato da registrazioni].
- Holtermann, H.: Ianua linguae Graecae, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1992.
- Joint Association of Classical Teachers:
Reading Greek
, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 20072. [Composto dai volumi
Text and vocabulary
Grammar and exercises
An independent study guide
(per gli autodidatti) e dal disco di registrazioni
Speaking Greek
; completano la serie un volume di civiltà (
The world of Athens: an introduction to classical Athenian culture
) e alcune antologie].
- Keene, C. H.:
Selections illustrative of Greek life, from the minor works of Xenophon, adapted for the use of beginners, with vocabulary, notes, and exercises
, Macmillan and Co., London 1895.
- Morice, F. D.:
Stories in Attic Greek, forming a Greek reading book for the use of junior forms in schools
, Rivingstons, London 18834. [Ristampa lievemente riveduta: Mahoney, A.:
Morice’s stories in Attic Greek
, Focus Publishing, Newburyport 2006].
- Nairn, G. & J.: Greek through reading, Bristol Classical Press, London 1991.
- Peckett, C. W. E. – Munday, A. R.: Thrasymachus, Bristol Classical Press, London 2001. [Qui materiali multimediali].
- Rico, C.:
Polis: parlare il greco antico come una lingua viva
, San Paolo, Milano 2010.
- Rouse, W. H. D.:
Chanties in Greek and Latin, written for ancient traditional airs
, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1930.
- Rouse, W. H. D.:
A Greek boy at home: a short story written in Greek
, Blackie & Son, London 1909. [Qui una rielaborazione d’alcuni capitoli in chiave ørbergiana, con immagini ed esercizi. Le sezioni della storia corrispondono ai capitoli d’un manuale grammaticale dello stesso autore:
A first Greek course
, Blackie & Son, London 19163. Entrambi i volumi sono stati ripubblicati negli Stati Uniti da Focus Publishing, a cura di A. Mahoney, che ha rivisto lievemente il manuale grammaticale].
- "Ἀναγνωστικὸν τῆς ἀρχαίᾱς Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσης"
- Rouse, W. H. D.: Vocabulary to A Greek boy at home, Blackie & Son, London 1909.
- Rouse, W. H. D.:
A Greek reader
, Blackie & Son, London 1907.
- Rouse, W. H. D.: Lucian’s dialogues prepared for schools, with short notes in Greek, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1909.
- Saffire, P. – Freis, C.:
Ancient Greek alive
, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 19993.
- Smith, W.: Initia Graeca. Part II. A first Greek reading book, containing short tales, anecdotes, fables, mythology, and Grecian history; with a short introduction to Grecian antiquities, chronological and other tables, and a lexicon, John Murray, London 1868.
- Ζούκη, Γ. Ν.:
Ἀναγνωστικὸν τῆς ἀρχαίας Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσης
, Ὀργανισμὸς Ἐκδόσεως Διδακτικῶν Βιβλίων, ἐν Αθήναις 1964. [Qui il documento ottenuto tramite riconoscimento ottico dei caratteri].
03–05/06/12: aggiunti Chambers, Dale, Edwards Paoli e Strangeways.
14–15/09/11: aggiunti Blackie e Reed.
07–08/09/11: aggiunti Bails, Colson, Beresford, Fay, Hardy, Jones, Keene, Marmorale, Pacitti, Smith, Rouse.
02–04/09/11: aggiunte le scansioni d’Arena palaestrarum, Initium, Pons tironum, Principia, e Pseudolus noster, Tirocinium Caesarianum e collegamenti ai libri di Maxey e Nutting, alle due antologie di Piazza e a The fables of Orbilius. Part I; migliorata la scansione di A first Greek course; ripristinati i collegamenti interrotti.